ultramafic rock

  • 网络超镁铁质岩;超镁铁岩;超基性岩
ultramafic rockultramafic rock
  1. Paragenetic mineral inclusions of ultramafic rock and Eclogite in the same diamond


  2. According to a great amount of information on the magnesite deposit and long-term working experience in the study area , the author proposed that the origin of the magnesite deposit might have related to ultramafic rock .


  3. The recommendation on the method for the petrochemistry of the ultramafic rock


  4. Determination of trace element in two ultramafic rock standard samples dz σ - 1 and dz σ - 2 by neutron activation analysis


  5. Most of the δ 34 S datum are close to ultramafic rock and mafic rock , the biggest of all is less than and close to modern seas water 's.


  6. The ultramafic rock in the Ritu ophiolite Belt has been altered to serpentinite to-tally .


  7. Geochemical Features of the Cenozoic Alkaline Ultramafic Volcanic Rock in Fujian and Their Tectonic Significance
